Latest InRetirement

EP. 774

Jamila Souffrant

Founder of Journey to Launch

Our guest today hopes to retire early. Jamila Souffrant is the founder of Journey to Launch. She and her husband have saved $169,000, own two properties and have three children.

EP. 773

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Are prospective employers allowed to ask you how much you make? Do you have to tell them? How to avoid the topic without compromising the job offer? 

EP. 758

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Listeners ask about the best ways to invest $100,000 or more and how to best launch a blog. Plus, more details about Farnoosh's 12-week podcast accelerator program and how to apply.

EP. 754

Adam Torabi (Dad!)

A Layoff Comeback Story

My father got laid off. How he spent the next year of his life, what he did, the activities he performed, the way that he reframed his resume, his LinkedIn profile, all led to a new, happier place in his career.

EP. 752

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How many accounts is considered too many or adverse when it comes to calculating your credit score?  What are the best books to teach little ones about money? Is there any compelling reason to open a 529 plan for myself knowing that the timeline to go to school is just 2 or 3 years?

EP. 750

Ashley Feinstein Gerstley

Founder of The Fiscal Femme

A former investment banker, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley now spends her days an entrepreneur, working with women across the country to help them learn more about money. The key, she says, is to develop a positive mindset when it comes to your worth - and your wealth.

EP. 749

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How can my husband and I plan for our financial future when helping my mom (which should have been temporary after her divorce) is looking permanent? 

EP. Bonus

Bonus: Ask Farnoosh

Ask Farnoosh

In this special BONUS episode of Ask Farnoosh, we invite Terri Kallsen, Executive Vice President for Investor Services at Charles Schwab. She and Farnoosh discuss recent findings from Schwab's Modern Wealth Index, as well as answer listener questions about ways to plan ahead for big financial goals and managing money in your relationship.

EP. 734

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

From managing an inheritance to bailing on a real estate purchase, we've got you covered on today's Ask Farnoosh.