Latest InStudent Loans

EP. 930

Daniela Pierre-Bravo

Producer for MSNBC and Co-Author, Earn It

Moving to the U.S. from Chile when she was a teenager, Daniela found out she was an undocumented resident when applying for college...and, as a result, was unable to work, drive, or receive financial assistance for school. How she persevered is a story of grit, determination and optimism.

EP. 893

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi and Megan Gorman

Do student loans need to be paid off after the borrower passes away?

EP. Bonus

Bonus Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Is it better to save for grad school or retirement? A bonus Ask Farnoosh episode with special co-host Joe Benvenuto, a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) who manages two of Charles Schwab’s branches in the Bay Area.

EP. 833

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should I pay down student loans or invest? Should we drain our 529 to pay for an emergency fund? How do I know if I'm being paid fairly? How can I optimize my savings?

EP. 821

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh is joined by So Money® listener and Certified Financial Professional Brandon Opre to help answer your money questions...from managing a six-figure inheritance, the benefits of a Roth IRA and best ways to pursue (or not pursue) an MBA.

EP. 818

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How to manage the money in your business and in your personal life at the same time. How to create boundaries, systems and avoid dipping into your personal savings to fund your venture? 

EP. 810

Tim Chen

Co-Founder and CEO, Nerdwallet

Tim started Nerdwallet with $800. Today it worth hundreds of millions of dollars and has over 300 employees.

EP. 800

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

"What are the best way to invest?" "Should I cancel my credit card?" and "Is it worth it to pay down my student loans if I'm starting a business at the same time?"

EP. 795

Dr. Bonnie Koo

Physician and Founder of

Our guest Bonnie Koo was making six-figures by age 23 working on Wall Street. A career pivot into medicine quickly changed her financial life when she attended medical school and took on $200,000 in student loans.