CNET's European Correspondent Katie Collins joins to share key take-aways and insights from the recent United Nations climate summit, aka "COP26," held in Glasgow, Scotland.
This week on Ask Farnoosh: Details about backdoor Roth IRAs, the concept of "proper savings" and how to manage costs in a relationship where one partner makes significantly more.
Economists and journalists dub this trend the ‘Great Resignation’. Guest Jessica Carney is the host of the podcast And Then I Quit, where she invites guests to share funny and absurd stories about jobs they’ve quit.
Guest Catherine Alford shares advice from her new book, Mom's Got Money: A Millennial Mom's Guide to Managing Money Like a Boss, an instruction manual to help moms use the skills they already possess to become extraordinarily confident managers of their money.
We cover a lot of ground on Ask Farnoosh, answering questions related to a strange 401(k) at work, the pros and cons to placing a smaller down payment on a home, using an inherited Roth IRA to pay for a home purchase and where to turn for free credit counseling.
Farnoosh answers listeners' questions about what to do after accidentally contributing to a Roth IRA when your incomer exceeded the limit, as well as whether it's wise to invest in stock "slices."
Ask Farnoosh about money, work, life, or a recent guest below and she'll do her best to answer your question during an upcoming Friday episode on So Money. Record a message below or type in your question.