Latest InPersonal Finance

EP. 1291

Katie Collins

CNET European Correspondent

CNET's European Correspondent Katie Collins joins to share key take-aways and insights from the recent United Nations climate summit, aka "COP26," held in Glasgow, Scotland.

EP. 1272

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week on Ask Farnoosh: Details about backdoor Roth IRAs, the concept of "proper savings" and how to manage costs in a relationship where one partner makes significantly more.

EP. 1240

Jessica Carney

Host, And Then I Quit Podcast

Economists and journalists dub this trend the ‘Great Resignation’. Guest Jessica Carney is the host of the podcast And Then I Quit, where she invites guests to share funny and absurd stories about jobs they’ve quit.

EP. 1230

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

EP. 1191

Catherine Alford

Author, Mom's Got Money

Guest Catherine Alford shares advice from her new book, Mom's Got Money: A Millennial Mom's Guide to Managing Money Like a Boss, an instruction manual to help moms use the skills they already possess to become extraordinarily confident managers of their money.

EP. 1190

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How do wealthy women invest?

EP. 1178

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

We cover a lot of ground on Ask Farnoosh, answering questions related to a strange 401(k) at work, the pros and cons to placing a smaller down payment on a home, using an inherited Roth IRA to pay for a home purchase and where to turn for free credit counseling.

EP. 1332

Lucy Chamberlain

Farnoosh Torabi

EP. 1169

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh answers listeners' questions about what to do after accidentally contributing to a Roth IRA when your incomer exceeded the limit, as well as whether it's wise to invest in stock "slices."