Latest InMind & Money

EP. 1226

Ron Friedman

Author, Decoding Greatness

Farnoosh and Ron discuss the technique behind reverse-engineering, ways to apply it to your financial and career success and why humans are so fascinated - and obsessed with - success.

EP. 1222

Jennifer Risher

Author, We Need to Talk

In her book, We Need to Talk: A Memoir About Wealth, Risher shares her own personal journey of coming into extraordinary wealth.

EP. 1215

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Are investing courses worth it? How to anticipate and budget for home maintenance costs? How to ask for a raise after learning a colleague makes more? How to set financial boundaries with family members you are supporting?

EP. 1214

Pride Month: LGBTQ+ Financial Rights

Adam Auriemma, NextAdvisor Editor-in-Chief

In celebration of Pride Month, NextAdvisor Editor-in-Chief Adam Auriemma stops by the show to share some of the site's latest coverage related to LGBTQ+ financial rights.

EP. 1204

Emma Johnson

Founder, Wealthy Single Mommy

Emma Johnson, founder of Wealthy Single Mommy and a divorced mother of two children, is a vocal champion for the assumption of 50/50 parenting, making appearances in the media and state capitols to share her evidence that joint custody can help support financial equality between parents.

EP. 1201

Jennifer Risher

Author, We Need to Talk

In her book, We Need to Talk: A Memoir About Wealth, Risher shares her own personal journey of coming into extraordinary wealth.

EP. 1195

Melody Wilding

Author, Trust Yourself

Are you sensitive? Well then guess what - you have a superpower, says guest Melody Wilding, author of the new book Trust Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Channel Your Emotions at Work.

EP. 1180

Tiffany Aliche

Author: Get Good With Money

The Budgetnista is back on So Money®, sharing insights from her new #1 bestselling book Get Good with Money: 10 Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole.

EP. 1174

Britni Ross

Financial Educator and Coach

Over the last decade, Britni has paid off over $170,000 in personal debt and left her corporate job to test her skills at running a business.