Latest InEntrepreneurship

EP. 904

Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik

Co-Hosts of the Almost 30 podcast

"We’ve signed up to be the guinea pigs for people to ask the stuff that could be embarrassing to say the things, whether we’re talking about finances, or relationships. We’re not afraid to go there and experience things, or feel things, or share things that others may be afraid to." 

EP. 898

Susan McPherson

Corporate Responsibility Expert

Through her work, Susan helps her clients create real change in the world and improve their businesses.

EP. 894

Sophia Parsa

Entrepreneur and Founder of Mountain Gate

"My relationship with money is money comes and money goes. For me, it’s not the point of success. It’s important for me to be financially stable and it’s important for me to be making a lot of money, but it’s not what I consider personal success.” 

EP. 890

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

"How do I pace my startup with little funds and not wanting to borrow? And is podcasting really making you money?

EP. 889

Ramona Ortega

Founder, My Money My Future

Ramona's company empowers Latinas to manage their money with confidence.

EP. 888

Ruth Soukup

Author, Do It Scared

We're having one of the most candid and intimate conversations ever with Ruth Soukup, author of Do It Scared: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Adversity and Create a Life You Love.

EP. 882

Tamanna Roashan

Founder, Dress Your Face

Tamanna Roashan's parents urged her from an early age to become an entrepreneur, to build a life being her own boss. Today she runs DressYourFace, a beauty empire.

EP. 879

David Bach

Author, The Latte Factor

David Bach is one of the most trusted financial experts and bestselling financial authors of our time. He has written nine consecutive New York Times bestsellers with over seven million copies in print, including two #1 New York Times bestsellers, The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late Finish Rich.

EP. 876

Tina Hay

Founder of Napkin Finance

How would you like to learn about money in 30 seconds or less? Our guest today is the Founder and CEO of a company that's doing just that.