Latest InEntrepreneurship

EP. 1053

Dr. Nicole Garner Scott

Financial Expert and Entrepreneur

Dr. Scott shares some of the historical barriers to wealth that have continued to be roadblocks for people in the Black community, as well as how the financial expert community can be more sensitive and mindful when offering advice.

EP. 1051

Myleik Teele

Founder CurlBox

As part of a new series #BlackWealthMatters, we are revisiting my conversation with Myleik Teele from 2015. Myleik is the Atlanta-based founder and chief experience officer of Curlbox, the first exclusive monthly subscription box for naturally curly hair. 

EP. 1048

Tracy Tutor

Star, Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

In her new book, Fear is a Four-Letter Word, Tracy provides a go-to manual for women who struggle to convince people they're in charge.

EP. 1043

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should I offer to voluntarily quit my job right now? Should I save more or invest? And what are some good personal finance resources for teens? Farnoosh addresses listeners' top money questions. 

EP. 1041

Scott Galloway

NYU Stern Professor & Co-Host of Pivot

Scott Galloway, co-host of the podcast Pivot, offers predictions on the future of college and Millennial wealth, as well as the trickle-down impact of the $2 trillion stimulus on corporations, individuals and the economy.

EP. 1038

Erika Gerdes

Designer of The Art of Undoing

Guest Erika Gerdes is an authenticity advocate speaker, coach and writer. She is the designer of The Art of Undoing, which helps people undo their limiting beliefs and reactive patterns to unlock greater confidence, joy and impact.

EP. 1036

Katie Sturino

Entrepreneur and Founder, MegaBabe

With the downturn in the economy many businesses have pressed PAUSE on marketing and our guest Katie Sturino, entrepreneur and social media influencer shares insights and personal experiences.

EP. 1035

Shaun T

World-renowned health and fitness motivator

Shaun T is a world-renowned health and fitness motivator, husband, father of twins, TV host and social media influencer. He shares his financial experiences from childhood, how he built his fitness empire and his advice for staying motivated and focused on health in these challenging times.

EP. 1034

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Can I negotiate my credit card payments? Should I continue plans to attend graduate school in the fall? Should I put my start-up plans on hold?