So Money - Episode 1159

Fee Gentry

Real Estate Agent

If you’re interested in building wealth through real estate investments, our guest Fee Gentry can help. She is an Austin-based real estate agent and “agent for change,” focused on supporting female and Black investors navigate the real estate market successfully. She is on the Board of Directors at eXp World Holdings. We discuss: how buyers can negotiate in the competitive sellers’ market, the risks that come with FHA loans and hot markets that are headed for more appreciation in the coming years.

More about Fee Gentry: Before immersing herself in the real estate world, Fee was as a serial entrepreneur. She earned her MBA and founded several businesses in the rehab, fitness, and sports training industries, including a post-rehab company working with athletes including those in the NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, NCAA, and the Olympics. She became a Realtor in 2004 with the mission to help her clients achieve what she believes to be a vastly important step in obtaining financial freedom: home ownership. Over the past 15 years, she has generated exciting opportunities for her clients and helped them accomplish their home ownership goals. Her personal website is here.

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