So Money - Episode 703

Dr. Habib Sadeghi

The Clarity Cleanse Author

Do you think that everything in life happens for a reason? Our guest today thinks so…especially when reflecting upon his own life. Dr. Habib Sadeghi is the co-founder of the Be Hive of Healing Integrative Medical Center in Los Angeles. He’s known as the Healer to the Stars and has helped celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay’s Chris Martin improve their emotional well-being.  

To say he’s unstoppable is an understatement. He arrived at his success despite many odds. He was a burn victim at the age of 6 with over a third of his body suffering from third-degree burns. At 21 years old, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer and given just a 30% chance to live. And he is one of the most giving, positive and enlightened people I’ve ever had the chance to meet.

His new book, The Clarity Cleanse, has just been released, which captures Dr. Sadeghi’s 12-step guide to working through the emotional issues that hold us back all while increasing our physical health and energy. And he is living proof of it.

To learn more about Dr. Sadeghi you can visit and He’s also on Twitter @DrHabibSadeghi.

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