Latest InRetirement

EP. 955

George Kinder

Founder, Kinder Institute of Life Planning

"People are passionate for freedom and they’re passionate for it in a lot of different ways and what life planning did was it put your individual freedom at the front of what was most important, what would be profoundly meaningful for you or profoundly energizing for you.”

EP. Bonus

Bonus Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

I'm getting married and have yet to talk about money with my fiancé. How do I break the ice?

EP. 938

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

From confusion around ROTH IRAs to investing in a 401k when you're not a U.S. resident, Farnoosh has answers to your money questions.

EP. 937

Diane Harris

Award-Winning Financial Journalist

Empathy, experience, and expertise; just a few of the reasons why our guest today is one of the leading personal finance authorities. Diane Harris was the first (and only) woman ever to be appointed editor-in-chief of MONEY Magazine.

EP. 935

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This Friday, Farnoosh answers your financial questions related to money and marriage. Specifically, how to work through the emotional stress that financial challenges create in your relationship.

EP. Bonus

Bonus Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

I'm 40, a freelancer and late to saving for retirement. Help!

Farnoosh answers your money questions related to long-term care, whole life insurance and real estate. Is a cash-out refinance a smart way to leverage your home's equity to buy an investment property?

EP. 926

926: Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should I refinance my mortgage?

EP. 920

Ask Farnoosh (Replay)

Farnoosh Torabi

My husband and I will be quitting our jobs later this year to travel globally for a year. Aside from savings and insurance, what should we consider? What are risks to consider when renting out part of your home? Answering these questions and more with co-host and marketing consultant Erica Gellerman.