Latest InPersonal Finance

EP. 712

Dan Harris

Co-Anchor ABC News and Author of Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics

Can meditation improve our finances and career? I’ve never tried it but our guest today says, in some ways, yes.  You may know Dan Harris as the co-anchor of ABC News' "Nightline" and the weekend edition of "Good Morning America.” He’s also the bestselling author of 10% Happier and the newly released Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics.

EP. 711

Carol Roth

Founder of FutureFile

If something happened to you today, would your family know your last wishes? Would they even know your computer password? Today’s guest, Carol Roth, is working hard to make sure they do. Carol created FutureFile, a comprehensive legacy planning system that allows you to put all your important documents and wishes in one place. Of course, this is just one of many projects Carol is working on.

EP. 709

Geneen Roth

This Messy Magnificent Life Author

Imagine losing all of your life savings? And the cause? Bernie Madoff. You know that crook who lost over $50 billion of his clients’ investments in a Ponzi scheme? He’s serving 150 years in federal prison, but our guest today had to pick up the pieces and renew her financial life.

EP. 708

Marla Mattenson

Relationship Expert

It would normally cost you six-figures to work with this relationship coach. Her clients include millionaire entrepreneurs, academy award winning actors, and grammy winning stars.  But I’ve convinced her to join us on So Money® to give us her best advice on how to succeed in your relationship, especially when it comes to financial challenges of all sorts.

EP. 706

Libby Moore

Former Chief of Staff for Oprah Winfrey

Imagine working day-to-day, side-by-side with Oprah. That was our guest’s life for 11 years. Libby Moore, Oprah Winfrey’s former Chief of Staff, joins us today.

EP. 705

Katherine Power

CEO of Clique

Katherine Power caught the business bug as a young child, working on her parent’s horse farm and her grandmother’s clothing store. She’s now running a fast-growing media, marketing and consumer empire. Our guest today is also a recent Fortune 40 Under 40 honoree.

EP. 703

Dr. Habib Sadeghi

The Clarity Cleanse Author

Do you think that everything in life happens for a reason? Our guest today thinks so... especially when reflecting upon his own life. Dr. Habib Sadeghi is the co-founder of the Be Hive of Healing Integrative Medical Center in Los Angeles. He’s known as the Healer to the Stars and has helped celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay’s Chris Martin improve their emotional well-being.

EP. 702

Cathryn Lavery

Co-Founder BestSelf Co.

How many of you use a physical journal to track your goals or just share how your day went? Journaling is a total art and our guest today, Cathryn Lavery, has found a way to make this old school past time new and fresh again. In fact, she’s built an 8-figure empire called BestSelf Co., selling paper journals and other organizational tools for productivity and focus.

EP. 699

Adam Auriemma

Editor-in-Chief of Money Magazine

Joining me on today's show is the new editor-in-chief of Money Magazine, Adam Auriemma. Since taking on this prominent role, Adam’s helped lead to more than 10 million unique visitors – an all time record! Prior to working for Money, Adam was at Fusion and also the Wall Street Journal.