This week: the best places to store cash in a recession, collecting unemployment while on the Paycheck Protection Program (and a recap of Farnoosh's latest piece on why it's OK to spend money right now.
America is drowning in paper. If you stacked all the paper the average family uses in just one year, the piles would be as tall as a two-story house. And 43% of Americans categorize themselves as “disorganized.” Lisa Woodruff to the rescue.
Myoshia reveals the barriers to starting a thriving business in the field of tech, her inspiration born out of being a young, single mother and memories of her childhood classmate in Houston, Texas, the late George Floyd.
Stephanie Vaught, J.D. is a Gen X Financial Coach and Founder of Social Money Finance, LLC. Her company specializes in teaching effective money management and helping people build a life they love.
Ask Farnoosh about money, work, life, or a recent guest below and she'll do her best to answer your question during an upcoming Friday episode on So Money. Record a message below or type in your question.