Latest InMind & Money

EP. 1097

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh reflects on home ownership and the benefits to selling so that you can activate your home equity.

EP. 1085

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week: the best places to store cash in a recession, collecting unemployment while on the Paycheck Protection Program (and a recap of Farnoosh's latest piece on why it's OK to spend money right now.

EP. 1081

Lisa Woodruff

Author, The Paper Solution

America is drowning in paper. If you stacked all the paper the average family uses in just one year, the piles would be as tall as a two-story house. And 43% of Americans categorize themselves as “disorganized.” Lisa Woodruff to the rescue.

EP. 1080

Myoshia Boykin-Anderson

Founder, AndTech Solutions

Myoshia reveals the barriers to starting a thriving business in the field of tech, her inspiration born out of being a young, single mother and memories of her childhood classmate in Houston, Texas, the late George Floyd.

EP. 1077

Bill Perkins

Author, Die with Zero

In his new book, Die with Zero, Bill Perkins challenges the notion of passing down your wealth.

EP. 1074

Paula Pant

Founder, Afford Anything

Paula Pant is a prominent leader of the Financial Independence Retire Early movement and an enthusiastic investor with a soft spot for spreadsheets.

EP. 1068

Leisa Peterson

Author, The Mindful Millionaire

"Somehow I found a way to break free of thinking of myself as white trash which, how people thought of our family in our neighborhood."

EP. 1063

Adam Auriemma

Editor-in-Chief of NextAdvisor

Joining me today is Adam Auriemma, the new Editor-in-Chief of NextAdvisor, a brand new personal finance platform in partnership with Time Magazine.

EP. 1055

Stephanie Vaught

Founder, Social Money Finance

Stephanie Vaught, J.D. is a Gen X Financial Coach and Founder of Social Money Finance, LLC. Her company specializes in teaching effective money management and helping people build a life they love.