Latest InInvesting

EP. 1077

Bill Perkins

Author, Die with Zero

In his new book, Die with Zero, Bill Perkins challenges the notion of passing down your wealth.

EP. 1076

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Delyanne The Money Coach Barros joins Farnoosh to answer the latest money questions from the audience. Questions include: Is it wise to use student loans to invest in the market? Why is one of my credit scores so different from the rest

EP. 1067

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Where should I park my savings if I don't need it for another 10 years? Should I invest the money?

EP. 1046

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should I change my investments? What's the right price for a pre-nup? Should I ask for a raise? How can I move up in my career right now?

EP. 1045

Tom Corley

Certified Financial Planner

For many, 2020 will be characterized as the year of survival. Our guest Tom Corley, CFP, offers financial advice to help us keep head above water as we navigate all the uncertainties.

EP. 1043

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should I offer to voluntarily quit my job right now? Should I save more or invest? And what are some good personal finance resources for teens? Farnoosh addresses listeners' top money questions. 

EP. 1031

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

From home affordability to student loan repayment to retiring early, Farnoosh and special co-host Georgia Lee Hussey address the latest questions from So Money® listeners, amidst the economic crisis.

EP. 1030

Hilary Hendershott

Hilary Hendershott Wealth Management

The federal government's stimulus plan is starting to make an impact on society. Hilary Hendershott joins to break down the benefits and what it means for our personal finances.

EP. 1029

Caleb Guilliams

Founder, BetterWealth

Caleb Guilliams is the founder and CEO of BetterWealth, a company committed to showing people how to have more efficiency and control over their money today while maximizing their future wealth potential.