Latest InEntrepreneurship

EP. 1143

Umbreen Bhatti

Director of The Athena Center, Barnard College

For the first fresh episode of 2021, Farnoosh sits down with the multi-talented Umbreen Bhatti, Director of The Athena Center for Leadership, Barnard College. Umbreen works with young women to build a better world.

EP. 1135

Melanie Hopkins

Founder, Finance Friend

The pain point of many business owners and entrepreneurs is often figuring out the money stuff and running that aspect of the business more smoothly. Melanie Hopkins, founder of Finance Friend, helps business owners become empowered in their financial management.

EP. 1129

Wendy Sachs

Documentary Filmmaker, The Surge

What does it cost to produce a documentary? Can you get rich selling a project to Showtime or Amazon?

EP. 1125

Margaret Skoglund

Founder, Virtual Broadway

Margaret Skoglund's pivot would not only help her to rebound, but many of her creative colleagues on Broadway.

EP. 1124

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How to find a mentor and earn more media for your company? And if you had to choose: would you save an extra $2,000 a month for retirement or for a future home?

EP. 1123

Arian Simone

Author, The Fearless Money Mindset

Arian Simone went from being abruptly fired, forced to live in her car, and living off food stamps to becoming a philanthropist and running her own venture capital fund.

EP. 1120

Robert Herjavec

Star, ABC's Shark Tank

A recession is historically a great time to start a successful business. Shark Tank star and serial entrepreneur Robert Herjavec joins Farnoosh to discuss the start-up opportunities he sees for entrepreneurs, as well his own journey learning about money and being raised the son of immigrants.

EP. 1119

Jessi Hempel

Host, Hello Monday podcast

Jessi Hempel is a senior editor at large at LinkedIn and host of the Webby-nominated podcast Hello Monday. On the show we discuss how women, who've been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and recession, land back in their careers.

EP. 1114

Mark Schug

Professor and Author

Mark Schug is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and co-author of the new book, Teachers Can Be Financially Fit: Economists’ Advice for Educators.