Latest InAchieving your Goals

EP. 909

Kristy Shen and Bryce Leong

Authors of Quit Like a Millionaire

"Even my parents were just absolutely disgusted by the fact that I didn’t buy a house, to the point where they’re like – I was like, “Oh, God. I hope they don’t disown me.”

EP. 906

Samantha Razook

Founder, Curious Jane

What began as a camp designed for her daughters and their friends, has evolved into a thriving business - Curious Jane -a summer camp and print magazine that has projects revolving around science, engineering, and design.

EP. 905

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

In this week's Ask Farnoosh: How to approach a boss who has been avoiding your raise, finding an affordable coach for a small business, and purchasing multiple homes.

EP. Bonus

Bonus Ask Farnoosh

Co-host, Schwab's Tiffany Dolby

How to pay off debt while trying to save and pay bills?

EP. 904

Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik

Co-Hosts of the Almost 30 podcast

"We’ve signed up to be the guinea pigs for people to ask the stuff that could be embarrassing to say the things, whether we’re talking about finances, or relationships. We’re not afraid to go there and experience things, or feel things, or share things that others may be afraid to." 

EP. 903

Lou Anne Alexander

Group President of Payment Solutions for Early Warning

Lou Ann led the launch of Zelle — the financial services' first real time payment network. Users sent $39 billion sent through Zelle in the first quarter of this year.

EP. 902

Ask Farnoosh & Priya Malani

Farnoosh Torabi and Priya Malani

We have a number of questions from people in the audience from why financial advice seems to have forgotten the Gen Xers to establishing good financial habits and setting money goals. 

EP. 900

Priya Malani (Live!)

CEO of Stash Wealth

"I was just so shocked. I remember one time I was pulling together like a financial plan for a really wealthy client and I was like, wait, this is how we show investment data to a human?”

EP. 899

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Negotiating a salary, savings "rules" and finding a financial planner are among some of the question on the latest Ask Farnoosh.