Latest InAchieving your Goals

EP. 1151

Ask Farnoosh

Co-Host, Philip Barker

This week's So Money® mailbag includes questions related to quitting a day job to pursue a side hustle, saving up to buy a home and convincing reluctant parents to save and invest for retirement.

EP. 1149

Kimberly Seals Allers

Founder, Irth

Kimberly offers key advice on how women of color can best navigate this recession and how all women can prepare for a divorce in this moment.

EP. 1146

Sam Ettus and Amy Nelson

Co-Hosts What's Her Story with Sam and Amy

Guests Amy Nelson and Samantha Ettus, co-hosts of the new podcast What's Her Story with Sam & Amy, join to discuss some potential solutions to support female professionals in today's economy, as well as their own personal journeys navigating work, life, money and motherhood in 2020 and now.

EP. 1144

Erin Lowry

Author, Broke Millennial Talks Money

Author Erin Lowry discusses why we should normalize prenups, talk to our parents about their retirement plans, ask colleagues about their salaries and set financial boundaries with friends.

EP. 1143

Umbreen Bhatti

Director of The Athena Center, Barnard College

For the first fresh episode of 2021, Farnoosh sits down with the multi-talented Umbreen Bhatti, Director of The Athena Center for Leadership, Barnard College. Umbreen works with young women to build a better world.

EP. 1137

Best of 2020: Farnoosh Favorites

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh reveals a few of her favorite episodes from 2020.

EP. 1133

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

What to do with an inheritance? Should I max out a 401(k) before the tax deadline? Should I use savings for paying down debt or keeping it put?

EP. 1129

Wendy Sachs

Documentary Filmmaker, The Surge

What does it cost to produce a documentary? Can you get rich selling a project to Showtime or Amazon?

EP. 1128

Rha Goddess and Deepa Purushothaman 

Founders, nFormation

The founders of nFormation have discovered that there is a collective untapped power that WOC have yet to harness and leverage.