This week’s questions concern feeling pressure to spend like well-off friends, ways to teach kids about money and affording 6 months of planned unemployment.
Special co-host Alexandra Stockwell joins. Alexandra is a Relationship and Intimacy Expert, known as The Relationship Catalyst. She is the creator of the Conscious Partnership Program and the author of the forthcoming book Uncompromising Intimacy.
In 2008-2009, Alexandra and her husband experienced a perfect storm with a failed business, the drop in the housing market, property newly declared to be in wetlands, and studying with a spiritual teacher who turned out to be a con artist who is now in federal prison for tax fraud.
After never having had any debt except a mortgage and educational loans (which were fully paid off), she and her husband found themselves when all was said and done with $290,000 of personal debt. The good news is that they rearranged their lives and managed to pay it all off in two years!