So Money - Episode 900

Priya Malani (Live!)

CEO of Stash Wealth

I was just so shocked. I remember one time I was pulling together like a financial plan for a really wealthy client and I was like, wait, this is how we show investment data to a human?” – Priya Malani

Today’s episode is an interview with Priya Malani is an entrepreneur and founding partner at Stash Wealth, a financial planning firm for HENRY’s. which stands for High Earners, Not Rich Yet.  We recorded this interview in front of a live audience at Luminary, an incredible collaboration hub for women to develop, network and connect.

Priya, who previously worked on Wall Street for 10 years, launched Stash Wealth after realizing how sorely underserved young professionals were in the financial services market.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • Why Priya’s known as the Rebel of Wall Street.
  • Can Millennials really achieve financial freedom?
  • Priya’s financial upbringing and her biggest money mistake.
  • The “best” credit card on the market. 

Special thanks to our host, Cate Luzio and her team at Luminary, as well as our sponsors for the evening, Birchbox and O’Neill Vintners.  Also thank you MouthMedia for making sure the podcast went on without a hitch!

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