So Money - Episode 793

Jenn Edden

Sugar Addiction Expert

Our guest today is in the midst of selling her belongings, packing up her family of five, heading into an RV, and spending the next year traveling the country.

Jenn Edden is a sugar addiction expert, author, and empowerment coach who helps female entrepreneurs learn how to increase their energy through proper nutrition.

She is the author of Woman Unleashed. Lately she’s become more interested in helping families and children overcome their sugar addictions and that is what has sparked this move. Over the next year, Jen and her husband and three children will be going from state to state to visit schools and universities to educate kids and young adults about healthy eating.

She arrives at this major transition, I think knowing a thing or two about what it takes to be brave. She’s a former medical school dropout, she is a survivor of a near death home explosion, and she’s got her handle on her health and her finances. Hear how she and her husband did the math to figure out if they could really afford to travel the country for a year.

To learn more about Jenn, follow her on twitter @JennEdden and visit her website, Her book Woman Unleashed is available on Amazon.

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