So Money - Episode 771

Mo Bunnell

Author, The Snowball System

For some entrepreneurs the idea of selling a product or service can feel like selling OUT or selling your soul. But our guest today has a technique for selling with integrity and winning every time.

Mo Bunnell leads the Bunnell Idea Group whose trademarked GrowBIG® Integrated System helps companies grow their business faster, in the right way and helps professionals get focused and efficient in business development.  He has a new book out on September 11 called The Snowball System: How to Win More Business and Turn Clients into Raving Fans.

We’ll talk about his Give to Get technique, some shorthand for calculating what your time is worth, as well as Mo’s So Money® accomplishment: finally purchasing a horse farm near the heart of Atlanta, which was on his family bucket list for years.

You can learn more about Mo Bunnell by visiting Follow him on Twitter @MoBunnell and pre-order his book on Amazon.  For more, also check out and

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