So Money - Episode 764

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

We have a special theme for Ask Farnoosh this Friday: Prioritizing your financial goals.

Special co-host Eric Roberge is a certified financial planner and has found that people tend to get stuck on how to use their money… and many times, end up procrastinating to their own detriment because of it! They are trying to make the right decision when all they really need to do is avoid making a bad one.We have a lot we want to accomplish with our money and know we need to save, invest wisely, and watch our cash flow… but we seem to struggle when it comes to (confidently) knowing which of our goals to focus on first — or how to balance them if they’re going to work on more than one thing at a time.

If you’d like to learn more about Eric visit or follow him on Twitter @BeyondFinances.

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