So Money - Episode 622

Leandra Medine

Founder of Man Repeller

If you are in interested in fashion, culture or feminism, you’ve probably heard of the media site Man Repeller, and/or its founder Leandra Medine. I’ve been a fan and follower of Leandra for several years, so getting the chance to chat with her was a real treat.

Leandra launched Man Repeller originally as a fashion blog while in college at the New School. For her it was a platform to write, as well as make her stand out from the competition when applying for magazine jobs in New York. This was 2010.

Thanks to being super authentic and playful, Man Repeller quickly took off. The site and Leandra became stars, receiving a huge profile in The New  York Times, brand partnerships with major fashion and beauty brands and a front row seat at top runway shows.

Dream come true? In some ways. What began as a vehicle to land a job became the best job for Leandra.  But we learn is that, even as her company has grown fast over a short period of time, Leandra, at 28 years old, is still trying to figure a lot out, including her own future. Is there a talk show down the road? I say yes.

Here’s Leandra Medine talking about money, starting a business, talk shows, shoes and more.

If you’d like to learn more about Leandra visit her blog or follow her on Twitter @ManRepeller.

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