So Money - Episode 333

Rebecca Minkoff

Fashion Designer

Today’s guest needs no introduction. If you’re a female under the age of 30 and you like fashion, you probably own something from this designer. She is Rebecca Minkoff, global fashion powerhouse. It’s her first podcast ever and she is full of amazing, insightful, relevant advice for all listeners, not just the women out there, but all aspiring entrepreneurs because guess what? She wasn’t always Rebecca Minkoff, the fashion mogul.

She, at one point, had no money left. She contemplated calling it quits. How did she turn things around? Also: How did she get through the recession earning more than her competitors? Rebecca Minkoff experienced a 500% surge in sales. And what is she doing this Fashion Week, coming up in February in New York, that people are saying is “disrupting” the fashion industry. Plus, what does she likes to do in her spare time when she gets a free 30 seconds?

If you’d like to learn more about Rebecca Minkoff visit her website or follow her on Twitter @RebeccaMinkoff.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I was forced to work for everything growing up but it made me a self-starter. It made me an entrepreneur.” – Click to Tweet

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