So Money - Episode 1694

Keri Glassman

Founder, Nutritious Life

On today’s show, a conversation about financial wellness and resilience with Keri Glassman, a renowned health expert who understands firsthand how to rebuild your financial life after a financial crisis. The infamous financial criminal Bernie Madoff deeply affected Keri’s family and their finances.

More about Keri Glassman, MS, RD: She is a nationally recognized Registered Dietitian, acclaimed author, and in-demand media personality who has spent over two decades empowering individuals to lead healthier, happier lives. As the founder of the award-winning lifestyle and media company Nutritious Life, and the education platform Nutritious Life Studio, Keri has touched the lives of millions worldwide with her science-backed, holistic approach to wellness. Listen to Farnoosh on Keri’s podcast talking about ways to cope with financial stress.

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