So Money - Episode 1619

Dia Bondi

Author, Ask Like an Auctioneer

Our guest today is communications coach Dia Bondi, who wrote a new book called Ask Like An Auctioneer.

In the book, Dia outlines a framework that will help us strategically and confidently ask for more. Dia is not your ordinary communications coach. She’s been working with senior leaders and venture-backed founders, helping them refine their voices and amplify their impact. A few years ago, her story took a fascinating turn when she attended an auctioneering school and began using her auctioneering skills to fundraise for women-led nonprofits. She realized that auctioneering holds valuable lessons on asking for more and, importantly, getting it. Today, we will talk about her strategies, framework, why, and no can just be a yes in the making.

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