So Money - Episode 1300

Caroline Dooner

Author, Tired as F*ck

Bestselling author Caroline Dooner joins with an important message as we enter a new year: Let’s get some rest!

She is the author of the new book (coming Feb 22): Tired as F*ck: Burnout at the Hands of Diet, Self-Help, and Hustle Culture

Book summary: Offering a frank and funny critique of the cultural forces that are driving us mad, author Caroline Dooner examines how treating ourselves like never ending self-improvement projects is a recipe for burnout. We have become unknowingly complicit in perpetuating our own exhaustion because we are treating ourselves like machines. But even phones need to f*cking recharge.

Caroline takes a good hard look at the dark side of self-help, and explains how she eventually used a radical period of rest to push back against cultural expectations and reclaim some peace. Tired As F*ck empowers us to say no to the things that exhaust us. It inspires us to carve out time to slow down, feel okay about doing less, and honor our humanity.

This is not a self-help book, it’s a cautionary tale. It’s an honest look at the dogma of wellness and spiritual self-improvement culture and revels in the healing power of rest and letting shit go.


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