EP. 792

Suze Orman

NYT Bestselling Author, Women & Money

October 8, 2018

Suze Orman is here everybody!

This interview is probably one of my favorites for a lot of reasons. It was fascinating to hear Suze’s views on women and money today and learn if they’ve changed over time. You may have thought Suze was enjoying retirement. Well, she’s left, at least temporarily, inspired since the #MeToo movement to relaunch a new and improved edition of her best-selling book, Women & Money.

This is going to be a little bit of a different format than typical episodes on the podcast. You will hear from me, as well as Adam Auriemma, the editor-in-chief of Money Magazine, who invited us to join a panel with him to share our thoughts around women and money. To watch the interview, head over to money.com.

Check out more of Suze’s work at www.suzeorman.com.  Her updated book Women & Money is available here.



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