So Money - Episode 407

Shane and Jocelyn Sams

Creators of Flipped Lifestyle

Today’s guests are the dynamic duo behind Shane and Jocelyn Sams are former teachers and went on to build a business that allowed them to quit their day jobs, spend more time with family and earn passive income online. The couple now generates hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in profit while only working around 10-15 hours of work per week. Now, they are helping other families do the same by connecting with people through their podcast, website and inside their Flip Your Life community. They were recently featured in Forbes sharing the story of how they went from making $76,000 a year to $1M.

There are several takeaways from Shane and Jocelyn’s interview, including the moment they decided to make this transition. They were not supported. It was a little bit of a shock and “aha moment” for them as they went into their high school and quit their jobs simultaneously. People did not believe they could do this. So, how did they work their way through that? How did they learn how to become online entrepreneurs? When we hear about making money online, we think that it’s too good to be true. They’re actually doing it, so they dispelled the myths and their So Money® moment, which was just making 11 cents. What?!

If you’d like to learn more about Shane and Jocelyn visit their website or follow them on Twitter @FlippedLS. Shane and Jocelyn have also generously set up a website for So Money® listeners at where you can get a free copy of “3 Steps for Online Business Success” and learn more about them.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I’m a person who believes that I don’t wanna wait until the end of my life to enjoy my life.” – Click To Tweet

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