So Money - Episode 550

Ilana Levine

Host of Little Known Facts Podcast

Maybe you knew this about me? I was a total theatre junkie in high school and college. I acted, I directed. I minored in theatre. I think that if I was more risk-taking I would have pursued acting as a career. But then I just saw LaLa Land...and saw how excruciating the audition process is in Hollywood. I’m not sure I would have lasted long.

Today’s guest is Ilana Levine, an actress who has appeared in multiple films, plays and TV shows…and the host of a new podcast called Little Known Facts where she interviews fellow performers about their lives, careers and of course all the juicy things you can’t just find online about them. Like, did you know that Laura Linney was raised by a single mom in New York and spent her days after school as a latch-key kid? And Matthew Broderick was supposed to star in a breakout role with Sally Field, but then the director of the film passed away and the project never happened.

We discuss the art of acting, podcasting and, of course, MONEY.

If you liked this episode you’ll love ilana‘s podcast so be sure to subscribe to and follow her on Twitter @ilanalevine.

My favorite quote from the interview: “Once you know you can be okay without, everything is easier.” – click to tweet

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