So Money - Episode 321

2015 Highlights: Health & Wealth

So Money® Year End Wrap

Today marks the last week of 2015 and I thought what better way to close out the year than to reflect on some of the wonderful lessons my guests have shared with us this year on the show? It’s been almost a full year since the show launched and I’m so grateful to my guests and all of you who have taken the time to tune in and ask questions day in and day out.  In just the last month we’ve been featured in the Wall Street Journal, INC Magazine and on Marketplace Money, my favorite radio program. I’m excited to see what 2016 has in store, but so thankful for a wonderful 2015.

This is how our year-end wrap episodes will work. Each day I’ll have a special theme and share some excerpts from some of my top interviews that correspond with that topic.

Today’s theme is “Health & Wealth.” So often we hear from my guests about how important it is to keep your health in check and how that can translate into growing your wealth. In this episode we’ll go back and hear from:

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