Latest InRetirement

EP. 1187

Ask Farnoosh

with Georgia Lee Hussey

Did you read the article in New York Magazine this week about the young woman who made $6 million in her start=up company's IPO?

EP. 1181

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week's Ask Farnoosh answers listeners questions related to paying off student loans and whether it's OK to invest at the same time, what to do with a $10,000 cash bonus from work, maybe invest in crypto? And what's wise: buying or leasing a car? Farnoosh weighs in.

EP. 1180

Tiffany Aliche

Author: Get Good With Money

The Budgetnista is back on So Money®, sharing insights from her new #1 bestselling book Get Good with Money: 10 Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole.

EP. 1175

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

On this week's Ask Farnoosh, listeners want to know if it's better for married couples to file taxes separately to claim the stimulus, how to retire by 42 and when to know if purchasing an investment property is really worth it?

EP. 1172

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi and Adam Auriemma

This week's Ask Farnoosh episode covers pros and cons to buying in today's hot real estate market and financial (and life) advice for your 30s Guest is Adam Auriemma, Editor in Chief of

EP. 1160

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

As Farnoosh journeys further into her 40s, she shares her top pieces of financial advice to accomplish in the next decade.

EP. 1156

Adam Auriemma


Tax season is delayed this year. What will that mean for our taxes? Adam Auriemma, Editor-in-Chief of NextAdvisor, joins to share some important IRS updates.

EP. 1151

Ask Farnoosh

Co-Host, Philip Barker

This week's So Money® mailbag includes questions related to quitting a day job to pursue a side hustle, saving up to buy a home and convincing reluctant parents to save and invest for retirement.

EP. 1144

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

On this week's Ask Farnoosh, is it smart to step in and help a partner who's buried in student loan help by offering to help him or her pay it off?