Latest InRetirement

EP. 838

Linda Davis Taylor

CEO, Clifford Swan Investment Counselors

“Being rich means having a sense of purpose, knowing where you came from, defining your value systems, and questioning how you’re living.”

EP. 836

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Slowing down retirement savings to better afford a matchmaker? What does Farnoosh think?

EP. 826

Best of 2018: The Fire Movement

Farnoosh Torabi

We’re looking back at the year and we had quite a few individuals on So Money® in 2018 who are part of the FIRE movement, Financial Independence Retire Early.

EP. 824

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

My new job offers a 3% match for our 401K. What are my best options for my current 401k ($150K+)?  Do I rollover into the new plan? An IRA?

EP. 821

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh is joined by So Money® listener and Certified Financial Professional Brandon Opre to help answer your money questions...from managing a six-figure inheritance, the benefits of a Roth IRA and best ways to pursue (or not pursue) an MBA.

EP. 810

Tim Chen

Co-Founder and CEO, Nerdwallet

Tim started Nerdwallet with $800. Today it worth hundreds of millions of dollars and has over 300 employees.

EP. 806

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How to save up for a big move to New York, playing catch up in your retirement savings and Roth IRAs versus 401(k)s.

EP. 776

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How can I retire early?

EP. Bonus

Catherine Golladay

SVP, Participant Services & Administration at Charles Schwab

Today we turn the focus to retirement and retiring well. For this, we welcome Catherine Golladay, Senior Vice President of Participant Services and Administration at Charles Schwab. Catherine has her ears to the ground and understands the issues and complexities surrounding our retirement concerns.