Latest InPersonal Finance

EP. 1759

Heather Chauvin


Returning to the show is Heather Chauvin, whose wisdom on time management is nothing short of transformative. She has built a revolutionary approach to owning and investing time to live richly and intentionally.

EP. 1753

Michael Schreiber

Founder, MediaFeed

In this episode of So Money, I’m joined by Michael Schreiber, award-winning journalist, founder of MediaFeed, and long-time friend.

EP. 1717

Jessica Cruel

Editor in Chief, Allure

In conversation with Allure Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jessica Cruel, who is not only a beauty expert, but is passionate about personal finance. She shares her adventures in homeownership and investing and offers listeners her top beauty buys at the drugstore.

EP. 1686

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Today's episode dives into many of your biggest questions about retirement: How much is enough for a typical retirement? What are the best ways to save and invest towards this goal? Do I put it all into my 401(k) or spread it over multiple retirement accounts?

EP. 1682

Holly Trantham

Author, Beyond Getting By

Holly Trantham, author of the new book Beyond Getting By, joins us to discuss ways to build a sustainable, wealth-generating plan for the future.

EP. 1655

Stephanie Vaught

Founder, Social Money Finance

We're exploring Loud Budgeting, a financial trend that originated on TikTok. How does it work? Is it a good strategy for everyone?

EP. 1646

Hannah Howard

Senior Work Editor for CNBC Make It

Whether online or in-person, today's episode offers road-tested strategies and scripts for winning the job interview. How to discuss a gap in your resume?

EP. 1620

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh shares some of the financial philosophies and beliefs she's changed over the years. Plus: Questions about starting a business, what to charge for services, and how to convince a partner to support the risk of starting a business.

EP. 1615

Jessica Cruel

Editor in Chief, Allure

In conversation with Allure Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jessica Cruel, who is not only a beauty expert, but is passionate about personal finance. She shares her adventures in homeownership and investing and offers listeners her top beauty buys at the drugstore.