Latest InEntrepreneurship

EP. 1257

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Tackling a wide range of financial and career-related questions on Ask Farnoosh today. Listeners want to know how to evaluate a job offer at a smaller company, the benefits of paying off a mortgage versus investing more for retirement.

EP. 1256

Dorie Clark

Author, The Long Game

Author and Duke University Professor Dorie Clark joins to share insights from her latest book, "The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World."

EP. 1255

Richelle Fredson

Founder, Purposeful Platforms

Richelle Fredson is a book publishing consultant and proposal coach. She lends her extensive knowledge to aspiring authors - including Farnoosh! -  to guide them through the book development process from concept to proposal to agent introductions. 

EP. 1251

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This Friday, Farnoosh answers listeners' questions regarding whether it's better to own or rent an apartment in an expensive city. What to look out for when starting a business with a relative? What are the best investing courses?

EP. 1246

Ron Friedman

Author, Decoding Greatness

For generations, we’ve been taught there are two ways to succeed—either from talent or practice. In his new book, Decoding Greatness, award-winning social psychologist Ron Friedman shares a powerful third path.

EP. 1242

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Rounding out our weeklong discussion about how to quit, Farnoosh and guest expert Dan Schawbel, answer your questions related to resigning, searching for new work and affording a career transition.

EP. 1236

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh and Sharon Profis

Dedicating today's episode to answering some of your questions about the podcast's recent licensing partnership with CNET and what it may mean for the show and our coverage.

EP. 1228

Sunny Israni

Co-Founder, Clasp

Sunny Israni, better-known as The Money Gay on TikTok, is committed to making personal finance accessible and interesting for groups traditionally left out of the personal finance conversation.

EP. 1217

Hitha Palepu

Entrepreneur & investor

Hitha Palepu is a multi-hypenate - an entrepreneur, investor, author and creator of #5SmartReads. We discuss the topic of privilege. Why, even if you have a lot of it, it is OK to be proud of your success.