Latest InBudgeting

EP. Bonus

Liz Ann Sonders

Chief Investment Strategist, Charles Schwab

Every other Thursday, over the next two months, So Money® and Schwab are teaming up to bring you rich conversations and advice around key topics from investing wisely to retirement planning and teaching our kids about money.

EP. Bonus

Bonus: Ask Farnoosh

Ask Farnoosh

In this special BONUS episode of Ask Farnoosh, we invite Terri Kallsen, Executive Vice President for Investor Services at Charles Schwab. She and Farnoosh discuss recent findings from Schwab's Modern Wealth Index, as well as answer listener questions about ways to plan ahead for big financial goals and managing money in your relationship.

EP. 743

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should we invest in a pension if our company offers one? Or stick with the 401k? Should I take out student loans if I don't really *need* to? How to negotiate my starting salary?

EP. 728

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

What's the best way to track my expenses? How do you get any work done with 2 little kids? This Friday, Farnoosh and co-host Kimmie Greene, head of communications for Quickbooks, tackle your biggest money questions.

EP. 707

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

What secured credit card would you recommend? Is the "for grads" So Money® course for me? Answering these questions of yours and more on this week's Ask Farnoosh with co-host Jennifer, founder of

EP. 704

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

I'm tired of paying rent and bad landlords. How can I get ready to buy my first home or apartment in an expensive city? Can I invest in an index fund or should I wait until my student loans are fully paid off? Answering these questions of yours and more on today's Ask Farnoosh with special co-host George Itzhak, NBC Nightly News Producer.