Latest InBudgeting

EP. 839

Ask Farnoosh and Grant Sabatier

Farnoosh Torabi and Grant Sabatier

Special co-host Grant Sabatier, founder of Millennial Money and author of the forthcoming book Financial Freedom, joins Farnoosh to answer your biggest money questions

EP. 830

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Talking about financial infidelity on Ask Farnoosh today. A listener asks what she should do about her husband who secretly amassed $65,000 in debt...while they were supposed to be saving up to buy a house.

Today's episode highlights some of the most remarkable financial recoveries of 2018, So Money® guests who are money warriors. These are individuals and ouples who went to battle with their finances and were victorious. 

EP. 813

Jen Roberts

Head of Chase Pay and Digital Products at JP Morgan Chase

Have you started holiday shopping yet? Today’s episode has some advice for you, as you embark on the spending frenzy.

EP. 810

Tim Chen

Co-Founder and CEO, Nerdwallet

Tim started Nerdwallet with $800. Today it worth hundreds of millions of dollars and has over 300 employees.

EP. 791

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh, what are your thoughts on 0% financing offers for new cars? Is hiring a financial advisor a waste of money? How best to plan for a child with special needs? 

EP. 782

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Is there any relationship between our Zodiac signs and how we spend, save and make financial decisions?

EP. 778

Lindsey Stanberry

Author, The Money Diaries

Money Diaries started as a series on Refinery29, where Lindsey would share entries from millennial women all across the country, how they were spending every single dollar, every single cent.

EP. 764

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

We have a special theme for Ask Farnoosh this Friday: Prioritizing your financial goals. Our co-host is certified financial planner Eric Roberge.