Latest InBudgeting

EP. 1731

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi and Nicole Stanley

How to navigate the $98 billion baby industry. Guest Nicole Stanley, founder of Denver-based financial caching practice Arise Financial, gives tips on how to create a budget that reflects your values and priorities,

EP. 1709

Mandy Klentz

Creator, Plandy Mandy

Mandy Klentz is the creator of Plandy Mandy Meal Plans and has a popular Instagram where she shares free food shopping and planning tips.

EP. 1706

Tiffany Aliche

NYT Bestselling Author

Tiffany's latest financial tool is a new workbook called Made Whole: The Practical Guide to Reaching Your Financial Goals, which offers a practical approach to transforming financial dreams into reality.  

EP. 1701

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Guest co-host Georgia Lee Hussey, founder of Modernist Financial, joins to share insights into how to manage your money during an election year and to help answer audience questions about paying off a mortgage early, budgeting for a newborn and investing in your 50s

EP. 1680

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week's questions focus on smart budgeting frameworks, earning more outside a 9 to 5, dealing with high annual credit card fees and a pro tip for handling medical debt.

EP. 1666

Pam Krueger

Founder, Wealthramp

We’re dedicating this entire episode to probably the biggest question I get from listeners: Should I work with a financial planner?   

EP. 1656

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week: Questions about how much is 'enough' to store in a checking account, the pros and cons of 529 prepaid college tuition plans, and selling your home to provide your family with more financial it wise?

EP. 1641

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How much is 'enough' to store in a checking account versus a savings account, what are the pros and cons of 529 prepaid college tuition plans, and should a listener sell her home if the equity can provide her family with more financial flexibility?

EP. 1631

Stephanie Vaught

Founder, Social Money Finance

We're exploring Loud Budgeting, a financial trend that originated on TikTok. How does it work? Is it a good strategy for everyone?