Latest InAchieving your Goals

EP. 963

Cathy Heller

Author, Dont Keep Your Day Job

Cathy Heller is a fire hose of inspiration. She’s the host of the popular podcast Don’t Keep Your Day Job, which was given the #1 spot on iTunes recommend list of shows for the New Year in 2018 and 2019. 

EP. 961

Alicia Menedez

MSNBC Anchor and Author, The Likeability Trap

Alicia Menendez is an award winning journalist examines this this fundamental paradox and empowers readers to let go of old rules and reimagine leadership rather than reinventing themselves.

EP. 960

Eve Rodsky

Author, Fair Play

"If this was happening to me, I figured - and then I went out to find out - that this was probably happening to other women.”

EP. 956

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh and special co-host (and listener) Madison Hopkins answer listeners' money questions, including how to properly budget to end the month without over-drafting. Also: how to save on medical expenses and whether it's a good idea to cash in on your company's stock to pay down debt?

EP. 955

George Kinder

Founder, Kinder Institute of Life Planning

"People are passionate for freedom and they’re passionate for it in a lot of different ways and what life planning did was it put your individual freedom at the front of what was most important, what would be profoundly meaningful for you or profoundly energizing for you.”

EP. 954

Emily Roberts

Founder, Personal Finance for PhDs

Emily Roberts is determined to help graduate students take control of their financial future, no matter their income. 

EP. 953

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

"I'm $25,000 in credit card debt. Is debt consolidation a smart move?"

EP. 952

Jennifer Brown

Author, Inclusion: Diversity, The Workplace & the Will to Change

"M.L.K. Jr. says the ark of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. I love that quote. But what we’ve woken up to is it does not bend on its own. It literally needs to be bent.”

EP. 951

Jennifer Petriglieri

Author, Couples That Work

"More than two thirds of couples are working couples. This is not just a few people trying this, this is the norm now. We’re living in a new world.”