Latest InAchieving your Goals

EP. 1096

Nitiya Walker

Founder, Seeds of Fortune

Nitiya Walker is a social entrepreneur who's paying it forward. Her foundation Seeds of Fortune helps minority teen girls apply for college scholarships, as well as teaches career and financial management skills.

EP. 1095

Sarah Catherine Gutierrez

Sarah Catherine Gutierrez

Sarah Catherine Gutierrez, author of But First, Save 10 and founder of Aptus Financial, shares strategies that women can practice to protect their financial security today and in the future.

EP. 1094

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

EP. 1092

Ali Katz

New Economy Expert

Are you practicing "empowered sovereignty?" Guest Ali Katz says this is how we should be thinking about money and work in the new normal economy.

EP. 1090

Bola Sokunbi

Founder, Clever Girl Finance

For many women, especially women of color, access to financial education isn’t as readily available. But our guest today is trying to change that once and for all.

EP. 1089

George Kinder

Founder, Kinder Institute of Life Planning

"People are passionate for freedom and they’re passionate for it in a lot of different ways and what life planning did was it put your individual freedom at the front of what was most important, what would be profoundly meaningful for you or profoundly energizing for you.”

EP. 1088

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi and Georgia Lee Hussey

How can I double my net worth in eight years?

EP. 1087

Daniela Pierre-Bravo

Producer for MSNBC and Co-Author, Earn It

Moving to the U.S. from Chile when she was a teenager, Daniela found out she was an undocumented resident when applying for college...and, as a result, was unable to work, drive, or receive financial assistance for school. How she persevered is a story of grit, determination and optimism.

EP. 1084

Kristian Golick

Video Content Producer

Kristian is a professional video content producer that teaches entrepreneurs how to incorporate video into their business and everyday life