From Snoop Dogg to Martha Stewart and suburbia, marijuana has entered the mainstream. What drove this movement? It's a story about business, race, politics and of course, money.
How to find a mentor and earn more media for your company? And if you had to choose: would you save an extra $2,000 a month for retirement or for a future home?
Arian Simone went from being abruptly fired, forced to live in her car, and living off food stamps to becoming a philanthropist and running her own venture capital fund.
Can you *really* ask for a raise right now? In a recession? Our guest Alexandra (Alex) Carter says it's not impossible. She's spent that last 11 years helping people negotiate successfully in all realms of life.
Jessi Hempel is a senior editor at large at LinkedIn and host of the Webby-nominated podcast Hello Monday. On the show we discuss how women, who've been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and recession, land back in their careers.
Is now a smart time to sell? What's the best way to find a financial planner? How to best pay for a kitchen remodel? How can I save on home and auto insurance right now? Farnoosh tackles your most recent financial questions.
Mark Schug is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and co-author of the new book, Teachers Can Be Financially Fit: Economists’ Advice for Educators.
Ask Farnoosh about money, work, life, or a recent guest below and she'll do her best to answer your question during an upcoming Friday episode on So Money. Record a message below or type in your question.