Latest InAchieving your Goals

EP. 1542

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week, Farnoosh answers listeners' questions about: Investing fees and how much is too much, strategies for living abroad, and when is it OK to pause contributions to a retirement account?

EP. 1540

Josh Rosenberg and Aja Evans

How Gen Z Consumes

We're taking a deep dive into how Gen Z consumes and advice on how they can make better financial choices. 

EP. 1538

Alexandra Carter

Author, Ask For More

We are in conversation with negotiation expert Alexandra Carter, author of Ask For More, learning about ways to earn more this year when you’re in a transition phase (switching jobs, recently laid off, heading back to work after a break), what we *should* negotiate for but rarely do.

EP. 1537

Stef Ziev

Author, The Choice is Yours

Stef Ziev is a former TV executive turned certified life and executive coach. Her new book is called THE CHOICE IS YOURS: A Simple Approach to Live and Lead With More Joy, Ease, and Purpose.

EP. 1536

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Several investing questions from the audience, including whether to cash out a low-performing portfolio, how to balance investing for retirement and paying off debt

EP. 1535

Hannah Cole

Founder, Sunlight Tax

How to find a tax expert you can trust, who really gets you, especially if you work in the creative field? Guest Hannah Cole is a tax expert who specializes in working with creative businesses and purpose-driven solopreneurs

EP. 1534

Firoozeh Dumas

Author, Funny in Farsi

Guest Firoozeh Dumas is the author of the New York Times bestseller Funny in Farsi, now celebrating its 20th anniversary. I first discovered Firoozeh and her book in my early twenties. Funny in Farsi gave me permission to be unapologetically Iranian or Irooni.

EP. 1532

Mariam Naficy

Founder & Managing Partner of Heretic Ventures

Born to Iranian and Chinese parents, entrepreneur Mariam Naficy's childhood in diverse countries shaped her perspective. She shares how her family overcame adversity after fleeing Iran during the 1979 Revolution.

EP. 1531

Rachel Luna

Author, Permission to Offend

Rachel Luna discusses ways we can stand up for what we believe in, even if it doesn't win us a popularity contest, the role of faith in your financial life, and determining your worth and wealth.