So Money - Episode 546

Vera Gibbons

Financial Journalist

There’s a lot happening in the political world, to put it lightly. It’s hard to keep up. I have a hard time just consuming the morning news. It’s especially hard to know what’s happening outside of the political realm. What are some of the other things going on in society from health, to sports, to business?

Our guest today is financial journalist, Vera Gibbons, who is trying to solve that problem with her new daily newsletter, It highlight’s the day’s news and shares stats and facts that are being overlooked by the mainstream media, given the heavy political news coverage today. It prides itself on not having bias or opinions – just delivering the news.

A little bit more about Vera…. she and I have known each other for over a decade. She was the former financial contributor with CBS’s The Early Show and has also worked as a correspondent for CNBC’s High Net Worth. She still appears regularly on national news networks.

With Vera, we talk about how with a full-time job, she started this side gig,, and how it’s really taken off. She takes us behind the scenes. Plus, her success with New York real estate starting with a little tiny studio that she bought from none other than Walter Cronkite. And what she thinks of the future of social media.

If you’d like to learn more about Vera visit or follow her on Twitter @VeraGibbons.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Everybody’s time is worth SOMETHING.” – Click to Tweet

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