So Money - Episode 109

Valerie Rind

Author of Gold Diggers and Deadbeat Dads

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Ever have a friend who borrowed money and then never paid you back? OR worse, an ex spouse who ran off with your inheritance or never paid alimony?

My guest today is the author of book with lots of stories like that, including some of her own. The book is called Gold Diggers and Deadbeat Dads: True Stories of Friends, Family, and Financial RuinAuthor Valerie Rind is with us today. She works for a software company and is a financial writer, leads with her own personal financial catastrophes involving family, from losing her life savings after trying to help support a relative’s business to feeling financially cheated in a previous marriage. She writes about personal finance at and contributes to other media outlets.

Three takeaway from this interview:

— Financial dishonesty in her marriage that ended her marriage

— What cars taught her about money as a kid growing up

— The first person she’d contact upon winning the lottery

My favorite quote from the interview: “I’m So Money® because I talk the talk, and walk the walk.” – click to tweet

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