So Money - Episode 122

Todd Tresidder

Founder of

I’m excited to welcome Todd Tresidder to the show. He is our second guest to retire in his 30s (the first one was Mr. Money Mustache (episode 38)). He’s a former investment hedge fund manager turned financial blogger and money coach. He went from debt to financial freedom in 12 years and then supported his family just from assets without any significant earned income for years. He raised his net worth from less than zero in his twenties to millions a decade later by using the same personal finance and investment strategies he shares on his website Still an active investor who earns consistent investment returns in both up and down markets, he is a true lifestyle entrepreneur and the classic “Millionaire Next Door” who doesn’t drive flashy cars or wears expensive clothes… but does take THREE months of vacation per year and wakes up without an alarm!

Three takeaways from our interview:

— Why he recommends NOT hiring a financial advisor.

— His philosophy that we should make decisions emotionally and support them rationally.

— Step by step advice for first-time investors.

If you’d like to learn more about Todd Tresidder, visit his website and follow him on Twitter @financialmentor.

My favorite quote from the interview: “Money can be an insulator from happiness.” – Click to Tweet

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