So Money - Episode 156

Tim Ferriss (Replay)

Multiple New York Times Best-Selling Author

Today we will be revisiting my interview with Tim Ferriss, the multiple best-selling author, famous for The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef, the incredibly successful entrepreneur, investor and podcast host.

A few months ago I was doing a victory lap backstage at The Today Show, right as So Money® surpassed 100,000 downloads. Because, you know, that’s how I roll. I was all high-fives in the green room when, suddenly, a little magic happened.

A kind woman, overhearing me, turned to me and said, “You know who’d be a great guest on your podcast? Tim Ferriss.”

Me, sarcastically: “Oh, I know! I’d also love to interview Oprah!” I mean, right? Tim Ferriss?

“Yes!” this divine woman, Tracy DiNunzio, founder of, insisted. “I’ll text him for you right now.”

I watched her thumbs glide over her iPhone in disbelief.

And before I knew it, Tim was emailing me and we were discussing having him on the show.

And so, it happened.

His interview was one of our most popular episodes. So once again, here is the spectacular Tim Ferriss joining us for a special Greatest Hits episode of So Money®.

Three key takeaways:

  • How Tim volunteered his time to gain amazing connections and opportunities in his 20’s.
  • How Billy Joel influenced him many, many years ago to become the man he is today.
  • Where Tim prefers to invest his money and why.

If you’d like to learn more about Tim Ferriss, visit his website, or follow him on Twitter @tferriss.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “You have to choose your market first and then your product” – Click to Tweet

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