So Money - Episode 80

Tiffany Aliche

The Budgetnista

— To stream the interview click here.

— To download the mp3 right click here and choose “save as”

Many of my guests on the show have told me how important it is to start talking with kids about money… early and often. And one of my recent guests, Ron Lieber, the author of “The Opposite of Spoiled” has taken it a step further. He suggests that we help children learn how to associate money with a work activity…. that is ideally above and beyond their regular household chores. (i.e. don’t give them that allowance for free… have them earn it!). Today’s guest is a great case-in-point. She grew up in a family where money was a frequent topic on the family agenda and every moment was used as an opportunity to help kids acquire good money habits.

Tiffany Aliche is the rising star in the personal finance world and the founder and CEO of It’s a financial education firm, which provides seminars, workshops and, more importantly, financial empowerment to thousands of women across the globe. Tiffany is the bestselling author of the book, The One Week Budget, and has been featured on NBC, PBS, The New York Times, and ESSENCE Magazine, among others. Her outstanding client list includes such leading institutions as American Express, Princeton University, The New York Public Library and The United Way.

Three takeaways from our interview:

— How growing up in the family where money was the norm helped her build stellar financial skills, including a credit score of 802 by the age of 26!

— How venturing into the investing world led to $25,000 of unexpected credit card debt.

— Tiffany’s strategy for setting and achieving goals (Hint: write them down!)

If you’d like to learn more about Tiffany Aliche, visit her website and or follow her on Twitter @TheBudgetnista.

My favorite quote from the interview: “Fear of the wolf makes the wolf bigger than it is.” – click to tweet

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