So Money - Episode 313

The Debt Free Guys

David Auten & John Schneider

We’ve got two wonderful guests today…a couple, in fact, David Auten and John Schneider, also known as the Debt Free Guys. They’re making headlines with their blog and coming out as financial leaders for their peers in the LGBT community.

When John and David met, they were two guys living what seemed to be normal lives. They were in their 30’s, they were financial professionals but they also had $51,000 in combined credit card debt.

In our conversation, we chat about how they got out of that debt, how for many years they’ve lived what they called a “double life,” as two men who are fabulous, out partying, drive nice cars, have nice clothes, great jeans but secretly were saddled with over $50,000 in debt. And we also talk about the specific financial needs they’re recognizing amongst gay couples. We’ll also talk about wine. These guys are wine lovers, car lovers and so much more.

David and John currently work in financial services but they plan to quit very soon to pursue their blog and speaking engagements full-time.

If you’d like to learn more about The Debt Free Guys check out their website or follow them on Twitter @DebtFreeGuys.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Every day we think about what is it that we want, so I’m doing today what will help me have a better tomorrow.” – Click to Tweet

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