So Money - Episode 1055

Stephanie Vaught

Founder, Social Money Finance

Stephanie Vaught, J.D. is a Gen X Financial Coach and Founder of Social Money Finance, LLC. Her company specializes in teaching effective money management and helping people build a life they love.

Stephanie was born and raised in Detroit, MI. She attended Detroit Public Schools and received a B.A. from Michigan State University in 2000. In 2007, Stephanie graduated with a Juris Doctor and concentration in Litigation from Thomas M. Cooley Law School. She has spent most of her professional career in law and community advocacy.

In 2009, Stephanie developed a profound interest in personal finance – mostly based on the need to manage her own household and entrepreneurial endeavors. In 2015, Stephanie made a career shift and became a certified financial counselor. She began working with a financial nonprofit counseling and educating thousands of people across the country about financial literacy and helping them to reach their personal financial goals.

In 2018, Stephanie decided to take her financial knowledge coupled with her legal skills and experience back to a community of her peers and founded Social Money Finance, LLC. Her mission is to empower people to increase their financial literacy, challenge unproductive money habits, and improve their financial place for themselves and their family.

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