So Money - Episode 18

Stephanie Burns

Founder and CEO of Chic CEO

Ever wonder what it’s like to be on Wheel of Fortune? Meeting Pat Sajak? And landing on BANKRUPT?? My guest today has been there. A mid-westerner at heart Stephanie Burns is the founder and CEO of Chic CEO.

Chic CEO is an online resource for female entrepreneurs – bringing how-to information, tools and community to women starting businesses. With a background in brand building, media buying, strategy and entrepreneurship, Stephanie has wide experience with an eclectic portfolio of industries. While pursuing her MBA, Stephanie decided to create the business plan for what is now Chic CEO.

After being a contestant on the Wheel of Fortune, she used her winnings to launch the web resource and just 6 months after launch, Chic CEO was named one of the Top 10 Entrepreneurial Websites for Women by Forbes.

Chic CEO has also been included in the Top 100 Websites for Entrepreneurs by Forbes, as well as featured in notable press outlets like Inc., Fast Company, Wall Street Journal, Fox Business and Amex Open.

With 50,000 female entrepreneurs subscribed, Stephanie’s vision for Chic CEO to be the number one resource for any woman who wants to start a business.

ONE NOTE FROM FARNOOSH: I have to apologize. My audio was getting picked up by my laptop, not my microphone, so my audio is a little more echo-y than usual. I don’t think it’s going to ruin the experience but I had to point it out…since some of you might be wondering… What happened? Rookie podcaster mistake!

Learn more about Stephanie at You can subscribe to her weekly podcast The Top 3 right here. And follow her on Twitter @stephanieaburns.

Our favorite quote from the interview: “I’m very frugal with every dollar we have, every dollar we spend” – click to tweet.

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