So Money - Episode 276

Steph Halligan

Motivational Cartoonist, Founder of Empowered Dollar

Today’s guest has a very cool title. She is a motivational cartoonist. What does that mean? She combines her love of drawing cartoons and helping others with their finances in the blog, Empowered Dollar. The blog chronicles the cartoon version of Steph complete in green tights and all to fight “the debt monster” in order to achieve financial freedom. Steph has been drawing since she can remember and added the personal finance expert to her work after she graduated from college with over $30,000 of debt to her name.  She was making barely minimum wage and knew something had to change in order to become debt free.  That’s when she started her journey to financial freedom with her blog to chronicle how she was able to pay off almost $35,000 in student loans in just under four years.

Three takeaways from our time together:

  1. Her quick trick that helps her keep a lid on spending.
  2. Parlaying her passion for drawing into a viable business.
  3. How negotiating helped her crush her student loan debt.

For more information about Steph visit her website or or follow her on Twitter @StephHalligan.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “Take one small step that will create positive momentum for yourself in the future.” – Click to Tweet

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