So Money - Episode 323

2015 Highlights: Starting Your Own Business

So Money® Year End Wrap

We’re heading into day 3 of the So Money® Year End Wrap. As a reminder. this is how it works. Each day I have a special theme and share some excerpts from some of my top interviews that correspond with that topic.

Today’s theme is “Starting Your Own Business.” I know many of you are interested in this because I’ve asked, “What’s on your 2016 agenda, financially speaking, career-wise?” And many of you are interested in becoming your own boss. So this one’s for you.

If you’ve been listening to the show for a while now you know I frequently interview entrepreneurs who have done some pretty amazing things with very few resources. I often get question on Ask Farnoosh episodes saying, “Hey, I want to be an entrepreneur. I want to be my own boss. How do I come up with the idea? Just the basics, the first step?” So in this episode we’re gonna hear from a few people including:

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